Monday, August 6, 2018

The Baby (& a random tangent about PPD)

Okay, I half lied. I said I'd skip the introduction, but I'll take any opportunity I can to show off my kid, so....

This is Blakely. The realist in me says I probably shouldn't put her name out there but I can't really explain her story without it. She goes by several nicknames -- "Baby B", "Blake", "Bay-bay", "Bee". She won't let you call her "B-Nez" though. She thinks you're calling her "penis" and is highly offended.

I had B's name chosen before I ever even knew her father. Hell, before I ever lost my virginity. When I was fifteen, a friend and I were sitting in history class chit-chatting about what we would name our kids, someday. I knew I wanted to name her after my grandparents in some way, but I didn't know how. (Side note -- my grandmother and grandfather raised me basically from birth and are who I consider my parents... but we'll get way more into that another time).

At the time, I was babysitting a little girl named "Rosee" -- her name was part of her father's (Rob) and her mother's (Kensee). My granny's name is Paula Inez, and my grandfather's was Roger Blake. I had all sorts of random nonsense I was trying to put together - "Rogala" may or may not have been a final contender for the longest time, hahaha.

Then one day while babysitting, the neighbor girl my age knocked on the front door and introduced herself as "Blakeli". DINGDINGDING. A girly way to use my grandfather's middle name, and then my granny's! (Thank the Lord, because I reallllly didn't want to have to name my kid Inez). Blakely Inez then came to be. And then, like, seven years later, the real Blakely Inez was born.

Today, B is three and has grown into such an amazing, smart little girl. She's constantly moving, always wanting to learn. I work full-time on the night shift and I harbor a lot of guilt about being sleepy during the day, but I have tried to start getting her more active in something, whether it be a trip to the library, visiting a museum, or even just working on her sight words or playing with Play-Doh. I'll do my best to post pictures on here but, like I said before, I suck at this so....

We'll see.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I really really hate blogging.

I can't tell you how many blogs I've started, made 2-3 posts on and then left abandoned. I probably have four hidden under this login, alone. I don't have the attention span to keep up with a blog. I don't have anything interesting to say.

But at 0400 and on my third cup of coffee, insanity has struck and here we are.

If you're reading this, you already know my name & who I am, so I'll skip the pleasantries and jump into it. As with everything in life nowadays, I'll probably use this blog to document life with my daughter. The adventures of Baby G & Baby B. A lady & a baby.

Or... realistically, it'll probably get three more posts, a couple of photos and then will be lost forevermore into the abyss of the interwebz like every other time.

We'll see.